NetbookInstaller 0.8.3 RC5が出てました。

NetbookInstaller 0.8.3 RC5がリリースされていました。

All Netbooks

Updated chameleon patch to enhance the 10.6.2 kernel support (makes it non 10.6.2 specific).
Chameleon patch to determine the native lcd resolution (via edid)
Chameleon patch to incoperate the 915resolution program for intel GPU's
Fixed DSDT generation bug introduced in RC4.
Mirroring off command located at /Extra/bin/mirroring.
Replaces OpenHaltRestart.kext with OSXRestart.kext. Fixes restart after sleep issue.
Updated to FakeSMC v2.5 from netkas.
Updated so that it no longer becomes unresponsive.
Dell Mini 10v
Temporary fix for the A06 bios.
Dell Mini 9
Updated audio for the Mini 9. This is a temporary fix and will change in the future.
GMA500 Netbooks
Included VaioPEnabler.kext to set the graphics framebuffer on bootup. This has not been tested.

早速MacBook nanoことINSPIRON mini9で試してみました。
今までBIOSで「USB Legacy Support」をDisableにしてもリブート後になぜか元に戻っちゃうとう症状が有りましたが、アップデートしら戻らなくなりました。